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Looks like you're having a wonderful summer indeed :)

the husband

Hey, i took those pics! ;-)

flash problems, huh?


I really like that tutorial! Thanks!

quiltmom (Anna)

I love the header of your blog- you have a photo of an iron that I own- the red one! My gran had it in the toy box at the farm all the years I was a little girl. When she passed away 3 years ago, it was one of three toys(an iron, a telephone and a cash register) that I was given from the farm. The iron really works although the cord is not in the best of shape. We played for hours with the toys at my gran's and it makes me smile every time I go up to my sewing room. She also had some wooden spools that I have sitting in a bowl on my sewing table. You could have taken a picture of those same things in my sewing room. Thanks for the smile.
Regards from a Western Canadian Quilter,

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